This is the home of our tools and apps, such as Project SHMITC. This page will also show you what we're working on next, shweet!


Project SHMITC - This simulated native enviroment (SNE) is a sort-of-game-sort-of-tool that puts you in the position of a recent college graduate vying for a super-competitive Foreign Analyst job for the Government. In this tool, you compete (literally), against dozens of applicants in the "Word Murders" game, going head-to-head in a variety of topics to see who knows the most.


What kind of site doesn't offer apps in this day and age? Well, up until 2016, our site! This section will serve as the official home page to the future We Get Languages apps. While our primary market is currenty Blackberry (the best phone for polyglots), we will be expanding out to more common Android, iOS, and Windows-based builds. Our current focus for these apps in dictionaries and vocabulary learning.

In Development for 2016

Project SHMITC updates - As initial work begins on its successor, detailed below, we are continuing to support and program our pride and joy, Project SHMITC, through the next couple of years. This year, we will be continuing to add new vocabulary, and are hoping to also add support for French and Russian langauges.

COMMASTER - Do you want to be a Communciations Master? Over the course of 2016 and beyond, we are proud to introduce, alongside Project SHMITC, a new 3-D engine that will allow you to explore foreign vistas in a whole new way! Begin your journey into these new and exotic vistas as a simple explorer getting their bearings and learning about life in a different place. As you explore these great hub cities of languages, you'll meet interesting characters and take up new challenges in mini-games and task simulations. You'll see the world in a whole new way. It's practically traveling the world without needing to leave your desk! COMMASTER will be linked with the IGP to provide a richer experience, and we sincerely believe that our site's combination of resources (We Get Languages, the IGP, and Projec SHMITC as well) will help you take the wheel and drive yourself towards your own language success! We do anticipate that this is going to be a longer-term project, likely lasting a couple of years as a side-project. However, we do look forward to bringing you periodic updates and playable versions along the way!