We've said it before and we'll say it again: in Spanish, verbs matter a lot. And not all verbs are created equal. They're hard, and complicated. But, you should know that some are used much more frequently in speech than others. Know that on our site, we use a slightly different way of teaching verbs (not quite the table method you're likely used to). For the time being, we will teach you the "basic three" tenses for each of these verbs for "I" and "You". The verbs introduced in this issue are "estar" (to be), "echar" (to throw), "llevar" (to carry), "sacar" (to take out), and "tomar" (to take).


"Echar" is a celebrity verb that stays in the spotlight through its crass action. Not one to be double-crossed, you can usually spot this verb stirring up trouble in your local sentence. It was born violent, a name meaning "to throw", but it doesn't stop just there. This is a verb that is quick "to fire" anyone in its way, one to pass along responsibility, and on occasion, one "to give", but not always. It's frequently seen name-dropping as it is very personal, and like to throw things, litearlly and proverbially. Check out where we've spotted this verb one more complaint away from anger management!

1) to throw
2)to fire an employee
3)to pass
4)to give
"I throw""You throw"
"Yo echo""Usted echa"
"I threw""You threw"
"Yo eché""Usted echó"
"I will throw""You will throw"
"Yo echaré""Usted echará"
Other expressions with echar
"I'll take a quick look at it""I gave Juan a hand"
"Yo lo echará una ojeada""Yo eché Juan una mano"
"Javier kicked me out of the group!""My boss will fire me!"
"Javier me echó del grupo""Mi jefe me echará!"


"Estar" is one of two "to be" brother verbs in Spanish. Of the two, it is more broad and more frequently used. Unlike its older brother "ser", which is often used to only talk about things that do not change all the time, "estar" likes to live up its Gemini personality, constantly changing where it is, who it's with, what it's doing, and even how it feels. In its various conjugations it usually means "I am", but only for right now. This is one verb that chances its wardrobe quicker than a crew of engineers changing a lightbulb. Whenever it wants to be more than "I am", you'll often see it with longtime friend "de". Here's the latest places we've seen this verb!

1) to be, usually a temporary state or something easily changed
2)to be in a location
"I am""You are"
Yo estoyUsted está
"I was""You were"
Yo estuveUsted estuvo
"I will be""You will be"
Yo estaréUsted estará
Other expressions with estar
"I agree""I'm back!"
(Yo) estoy de acuerdo(Yo) estoy de vuelta
"I'm passing through""I'm with (support) Ródrigo"
(Yo) estoy de paso(Yo) estoy por Ródrigo
"You're in a good mood""You're toast!" (done for)
Usted está de buenas(Usted) está frito


"Llevar" hated its name is birth and prefers to go by "Jaybar", but none the less, enjoys going places. And many places this verbs has been indeed, known "to carry" things, "to take" everyone everywhere, and even "to wear" if the occasion is right. This is a verb that doesn't stick around in one place for long, and whenever average words on the street ese it, they get excited because they know that they are going places indeed! This is a verb that goes after its goals, a verb that lives all kinds of lives, and a verb that most people love or hate, but not in between! Its entourage changes just as much as the place it's headed next!

1) to carry
2)to wear
3)to take something/someone (to somewhere else)
4)to take something/someone (along)
"I throw""You throw"
"Yo llevo""Usted lleva"
"I threw""You threw"
"Yo llevé""Usted llevó"
"I will throw""You will throw"
"Yo llevaré""Usted llevará"
Other expressions with llevar
"I will carry out this plan""María led me into a trap!"
"Yo llevará a cabo este plan""¡María me llevó a una trapa!"
"I live a boring life""You get along well with Martín"
"Yo llevo una vida aburrida""Usted se lleva bien con Martín"


"Sacar" may sound sacred, but rest assured this verb is all about receiving and taking. A spoiled verb loved for its sound, this is a verb always on the receiving end. Typically it means "receive" or "take out", but not at all limited to that, this verb is always around whenever you need to think of someone conceited. However, as it is quick to remind its haters, "I earned every last bit of it!". From solid grades to solid photos, this verbs gives as good as it gets. It's known to frequently hang out with "buenas" and "fotos", but will somehow never be too far away when payday is near!

1) to take out
2)to withdraw
3)to extract
4)to get
5)to win an award
"I take out""You take out"
"Yo saco""Usted saca"
"I took out""You took out"
"Yo saqué""Usted sacó"
"I will take out""You will take out"
"Yo sacaré""Usted sacará"
Other expressions with sacar
"I got good grades in school""You take pictures of everything!"
"Yo saqué buenas notas en escuela""¡Usted saca fotos de todo!"
"I bought the tickets yesterday""You get on my nerves sometimes!"
"Yo saqué los boletos ayer""¡Usted me saca de quicio!"
"I will check the book out from the library""I won an award for my community service."
"Yo sacaré el libro de la biblioteca""Yo saqué un premio por mi servicio a la comunidad"


A beach-loving verb, "tomar" could give "sacar" a run for its money because it's all about taking just the same! But yet, that's not all it does. This verb in particular like "taking" but not necessarily robbing, fine foods but not necessarily all of them, and isn't afraid to make decisions when there's something up for the taking. A bit choosy perhaps, it is known to be especially keen on hanging out with "el sol", "a", and "serio". Next time you see that verb at your local coffee cafe, get excited, it very well could have been "tomar"!

1) to take
2)to drink or eat (certain uses)
3)to make (certain uses)
"I take""You take"
"Yo tomo""Usted toma"
"I took""You took"
"Yo tomé""Usted tomó"
"I will take""You will take"
"Yo tomaré""Usted tomará"
Other expressions with tomar
"You will make this decision""I can't take you seriously"
"Usted tomará esta decisión""No puedo le tomo en serio"
"I took your advice to heart""I have my coffee every morning at 7."
"Yo tomé a pecho su consejo""Yo tomo mi café cada mañana a las seis"

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