弄 (nòng) is the ultimate fallback verb, and can be used in situations where you don't know the associated verb to use. It roughly falls under the same category as "做“ or "办", in the sense of "to do", but also does have a slight implied meaning of "to mess around" or "to play with". And hey, while we're at it, you know, the verb "to get" can sometimes convey its meaning too. And then it can act like 让 a bit too. Useful, huh?

The first way we can view 弄 is like we would use the verb "to get". Especially with combination such as 弄到, which works like "get ahold of".

Meaning like "get"
zěnme nòng gè
How do you get a...?
zěnme nòng nèi gè
How do you get that...?
tā zěnme nòngdào zhèige xiāoxi ne
How did he get that information? (How did he find out?)

It can also have meanings similar to the verbs 做 (zuò) or 办 (bàn), like "to do" or "to make". You can use 弄 (nòng) like a fallback verb, when you aren't sure what verb to use.

Meaning like "to do" (办 [bàn]) or "to make" (做 [zuò])
zuótiān qiàn nònghǎo le tā de lùnwén
Yesterday Qian finished her thesis
wèile bǎ tā de xiǎodùzi nòng diào, tā kāishǐ duànliàn shēntǐ
In order to get rid of his belly, he started to work out.
(Lit: In order to make his stomach make lose, he start exercise body.)
wǒ xiǎng nòng gè
I want to make a... (especially with big projects or mechanical/technology projects)
lǐfàshī gěi wǒ nòng le gè shíshàng de fàxíng
The barber gave me a stylish haircut

弄 (nòng) can mean "to mess around" with (and sometimes break)...but it can also means "to fix" (and un-break) as well. This depends on the context of the sentence.

弄 (nòng) meaning similar to "to mess around with"
zài wǎngbā yígè hēikè nòng wǒ péngyou de diànnǎo
A hacker messed with my friend's computer at the net bar
nǐ yīnggāi bù wánnòng tā, tā bà shì Lǐ Gāng
You shouldn't mess with him, his father is Li Gang
wǒ bèndàn dìdì wánnòng le wǒ àixīn de móshù fāngkuài
My stupid little brother messed around with my beloved Rubik's cube!

弄 (nòng) meaning similar to "to fix"
xiètiān xièdì, bó nòng le wǒmen de diànnǎo bìngdú
Thanks heavens! Bo got rid of our computer virus
guǎnzigōng bǎ wān de guǎnzi nòngzhí le
The plumber straightened the crooked pipe.

And of course, it wouldn't be a super-verb without even more uses that are based on context and not easily translated.

Other uses of 弄 (nòng)
to show off
to wake somebody up
nòngqiǎo chéngzhuō
Chengyu: to outsmart oneself
(Lit:make skillful become dumb)

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